Saturday, October 18, 2008

Your it!

So Kristina over at me. From what I understand, I must now share 6 things about myself that no one else from my blog community knows.

1. I once desired to become an entomologist, until I found out they also study spiders. I still find insects fascinating and photograph them on occasion (as I've sure you noticed).

2. For a few years my girlfriend & I had a landscaping company, designing and installing perennial gardens.

3. When my husband and I were first married neither of us wanted children. Then we came to our senses and the Lord has blessed us with 3 here on earth and 1 in heaven.

4. I used to have recurring dreams about losing my teeth. Which I've heard is common for those of us with TMJ.

5. I don't like watermelon or any other melon as a matter of fact.

6. I've worked on and off for my husband since we've been dating. That's about 18yrs. My jobs, while working for him, have included receptionist, biller, title clerk, accounts payables & receivables and landscaper.

I hope you've enjoyed learning a little bit more about me.

Now I shall tag:
Ruth @

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monarch caterpillar on milkweed



in the butterfly house

hummingbirds join the butterflies

red panda

Birds in the Aviary

Birds in the Aviary

scarlet ibis